Wizards Workbench by Magicsoft.
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A year or two later, The Wizard’s Workbench from Magicsoft took advantage of Greenberg and Woodhead’s determination to make Wizardry a reusable, database-based game system by offering what amounted to a reconstruction of the tools Woodhead had created to author the original game. A full-fledged CRPG authoring tool in all but name, Wizard’s Workbench let the player alter existing Wizardry scenarios at will, as well as create her own with custom mazes to be mapped, monsters to be fought, magic items to be acquired, and puzzles to be solved — a precursor to systems like The Bard’s Tale Construction Set and Unlimited Adventures and, by extension, the more recent Neverwinter Nights.tail as possible. After all, games are supposed to be fun!
-Source The Digital Antiquarian
WizPlus by Datamost Inc.
At least two third-party character editors from tiny publishers, WizPlus and WizFix, appeared within months of Wizardry itself, offering players the opportunity (for $25 or so) to alter their characters’ statistics at will and rescue dead characters left in the dungeon. These programs grew so popular that Sir-tech already felt behooved to respond upon the release of the second Wizardry scenario in May of 1982 by inserting into the box a sheet bearing the following rather mean-spirited scold:
It has come to our attention that some software vendors are marketing so-called “cheat programs.” These programs allow you to create characters of arbitrary strength and ability.
While it may seem appealing to use these products, we urge you not to succumb to the temptation. It took more than four years of careful adjustment to properly balance Wizardry. These products tend to interfere with this subtle balance and may substantially reduce your playing pleasure. It would be akin to playing chess with additional queens, or poker with all cards wild.
It has also come to our attention that some of these programs are unreliable and may even destroy data. While we repair or replace inoperative disks free within 30 days of purchase, or for a nominal fee of $5.00 anytime thereafter, we will not do so for disks damaged by a cheat program.
-Source The Digital Antiquarian
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Wiziprint by Sirtech.

The third level was really difficult, and your party is battle weary. You should return the team to the Adventurer's Inn and get them some well deserved rest, but the newly discovered stairs to the fourth level beckon. Perhaps a quick foray to the fourth level for just a peek. After all, what could happen???
The moment the party gets off the stairs, they are attacked by a roving party of Black Dragons, and a coven of Vampires led by a Vampire Lord! Quickly you join the battle. But the campaign has been so long, that you are not sure of the status of the party. Who has the Chain Pro Fire to lend protection against the dragons? Can the Mage cast a Zilwan against the Vampire Lord? Does the Priest have enough spell points to release a Litokan against the Vampires? Uncertainty reigns as you desperately try to remember. The monsters, sensing leadership indecision, rally and press their attack.
The all too familiar vision of six tombstones rises before your eyes.
Adventure parties survive because of good leadership, proper balancing of talents, and a touch of luck. When organizing a party at Gigamesh's Tavern, the men expect, and deserve, competent management.
WIZIPRINT solves all of the administrative chores of running a profitable adventure team.
WIZIPRINT is a utility program that prints out the entire statistics of any WIZARDRY character. Even the entire roster can be printed out at one time. This utility works with any of the Wizardry Scenarios, and saves all the guess work involved with operating a successful WIZARDRY party
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Download Now ** Thanks to David Magnani for the pictures of Wizmaker.