

Browse this section to learn more about the Wizardry Scenarios produced by Sirtech Software Inc.

Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord
Released 1981
The game takes place in the domain of Trebor, the titular Mad Overlord. Trebor was once only power-mad, but went off the deep end after he acquired a magical amulet of immense power only to have it stolen from him by his nemesis the evil archmage Werdna. Werdna, not quite sure how to use the amulet properly, accidentally causes an earthquake which creates a ten-level dungeon beneath Trebor's castle.
To avoid looking silly, Werdna declares the dungeon to be the new lair for him and his monster hordes. Trebor, not to be outdone, declares the labyrinth is in fact his new Proving Grounds where adventurers must prove themselves for membership in his elite honor guard (and incidentally retrieve his amulet in the process). Thus your goal in the game is to descend to the tenth floor of the labyrinth, defeat Werdna, and retrieve the fabled amulet.

Knight of Diamonds
Released 1982
With both Trebor and Werdna dead all seemed well within the kingdom of Llylgamyn. Unfortunately this peace didn't last very long. Besides Werdna, it seems that there was another evil fella living in Llylgamyn named Davalpus. With Werdna dead and out of the limelight, Davalpus felt it was time to make his move. He stormed the castle, slaughtered the royal family, and declared himself supreme dictator for life.
Don't worry, this game isn't about preparing for a big final battle with Davalpus. That's already been done for you. The Prince of the land fought and killed Davalpus using the legendary Staff of Gnilda and wearing the armor of the Knight of Diamonds. Unfortunately the god Gnilda, more than a bit ticked off with all this bickering, took the staff back and placed it deep within his heavily guarded six-level temple. Since the staff's power protects the land from invasion by hostile outlanders, someone will need to venture into the temple and get it back along with Gnilda's blessing. That someone is you.

Legacy of Llylgamyn
Released 1983
A generation has passed since your band of adventurers reclaimed the Staff of Gnilda and the armor of the Knight of Diamonds, and the land has been at peace. But now nature itself seems to be attacking the land of Llylgamyn, as earthquakes and tidal waves ravage the land.
The Sages believe the Orb of scrying is the city's salvation, but it is guarded by the draagon L'kbreth. So a band of explorers must once again venture forth in search of the Orb.

The Return of Werdna
Released 1986
As Werdna, you'll slowly regain your magical powers as well as have the ability to summon helpful monsters to accompany you on your journey. Your goal is to get to the surface and get your amulet (and hopefully a little revenge). But in your way are a variety of monsters, guardians, and gung-ho adventurers out for your head. Not to mention being chased by the rather ticked-off ghost of your old enemy Trebor. Make it to the surface, and you'll have to face one final grudge match against the heroes who defeated you in the past before you can get your amulet.

Heart of the Maestrom
Released 1988
Despite the defeat of Trebor, Werdna, and L'kbreth, dark times once again threaten the kingdom of Llylgamyn. So once again a party of adventurers must venture forth to vanquish the evil.

Bane of the Cosmic Forge
Released 1990
The Cosmic Forge is a magical pen that has the ability to make anything written with it come true.
Your party of character must Journey into a vacant castle once ruled by an evil King and Queen and Wizard, and find out what became of the Cosmic Forge. |

Crusades of the Dark Savant
Released 1992
Crusaders of the Dark Savant picks up where Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge left off. The party had just found the Cosmic Forge, the pen that the Cosmic Lords use to script the events of the universe, after it was stolen by the Bane King and his Wizard, Xorphitus. Before the party could decide what to do with it, it was spirited away by a servant of the Cosmic Lords, the cyborg Aletheides.
The Cosmic Forge was used to hide the location of the Astral Dominae, a powerful artifact with power over life itself, on planet Guardia. Because of this, its theft revealed Planet Guardia to the universe. Now, multiple forces are converging on Lost Guardia to find this artifact, including the party itself. It is after planetfall on Guardia that the story begins.

Wizardry 8
Released 2001
Wizardry 8 is an epic fantasy RPG that picks up where Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant left off. You may recall that all hell had broken loose at the end of Wizardry 7. The Dark Savant had taken flight with a device called the Astral Dominae, an incredibly powerful artifact containing the secret of life itself. Following him are two powerful races, the T'Rang and the Umpani, as well as your own brave party of adventurers. Everyone is headed to Dominus, a world on the cusp of the Cosmic Circle, birthplace of the Astral Dominae and home of the Cosmic Lords. Many paths will converge on Dominus, and many long-hidden secrets will be revealed.